Looking back at CF30 night 3, Oct. 8, union pool starring Seablite, Gary Olson, Artsick and Jeanines

Gary Olson / Photo: Gail O’Hara
Wristbands! Photo: Gail

Night three at Union Pool was a blast! I was so excited to be seeing ARTSICK for the first time, and it was a NYC/East Coast debut for both them and SEABLITE! Both bands gave it everything and the crowd loved it. NYC’s JEANINES (now more of a Western Mass. combo I believe) and GARY OLSON (with a bit of LADYBUG TRANSISTOR!) brought it too! It was a magical night of old friends, fantastic music and general stardust. Thanks to DJ Sukhdev Sandhu, MC Gaylord Fields, Tae Won Yu for the gorgeous posters and graphics, our wonderful sound person Beck and the folks at Union Pool, along with everyone who played, came out and enjoyed the night! See more of Dean Keim’s photos here.

Photo: Gail O’Hara
Ladybugs / Photo: Gail O’Hara
Julia / Photo by Dean Keim
Artsick! Photo: Dean Keim
Artsick by Dean Keim
Jeanines / Photo: Mike Appelstein
Jeanines / Photo: Dean Keim
Jeanines / by Dean Keim
Seablite by Mike Appelstein
Seablite / by Dean Keim
Seablite by Dean Keim
Seablite by Dean Keim
Indie kids, the next generation! By Gail O’Hara
Jed and Alicia Jeanine / Photo: Gail O’Hara
Mario and Christina Artsick with MC Gaylord Fields / Photo: Gail O’Hara
Soundcheck by Gail O’Hara
Poster: Tae Won Yu
Art by Tae Won Yu
Art by Tae Won Yu
Art by Tae Won Yu
Art by Tae Won Yu